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Kick Off Meeting

The first official meeting in person for the project 'Sport is better than Cure - The Cure', took place in Tusa, Italy!

It was productive; goals set, goals achieved so far, summarized and moving forward. More self-confident, embracing the upcoming challenges of The Cure adventure!

The project team gathered up in the very first face-to-face consortium meeting that took place in Tusa (Italy), hosted by New Horizons. In an intensive and enthusiastic manner, we discussed and reviewed the first project Deliverables and Activities that aim to promote Cycling and Physical activities as a means to combat diabetes type II, as well as to promote social and cultural awareness and values.

The CURE, Second Meeting

The partner organizations gathered up in Bitola, for the projects’ second real-time meeting.

In order to keep us all up-to-date with the activities and project progress, we had online meetings all the time. However, we successfully held one more real-time meeting, with ASSA Sport Talent being the hosting partner organization.

The meeting took place in Bitola, and due weather uncertainties, we organized indoor cycling try-outs and activities. The project main subjects were the future cycling routes and finding solution to round up the Health Parameters. The latter being of utmost importance for reaching the projects’ main goal – combat against Diabetes.

The health parameters scheme is created by our Spanish partner Organization – Geseme, and the manual to which we all contributed for, will be structured by the coordinator, the Italian organization – New Horizons.

For the indoor cycling equipment and their support for the projects’ activities, we would like to also express our thankfulness to the Cycling Club in Bitola, “15ti Maj”. We will continue the close collaboration with them for the Cure project, as well as in future.